
After nixing an Obama era anti-discrimination housing regulation, President Trump addressed the benefits of his governance with a thoughtful tweet.  Most specifically, he pointed out that white suburbia would now be completley free of all criminal elements.George Wallace is Alive and Well

Later, during his daily corona virus briefing, the president noted that as always he has the best interest of the country’s black communities at heart.  Trump reminded the residents of the nation’s redlined enclaves about the aggravation of all the things you have to do in order to move out of a contamination zone, like having to fill out cumbersome change of address forms, choosing a better school for your kids, acclimating to clean running water, hiring movers and packing up all your meager belongings, and applying for home mortgages with complicated restrictions and invidious payment clauses, all unecessary burdens that the president insightfully will be sparing  his loyal black constituents.  In a short closing comment, Vice President Pence described the president’s action as another example of how he is making America great again.




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America Celebrates Hitting 3 Million Covid 19 Case Milestone by Gathering in Large Tightly Packed Crowds

I think we’re f****d.  Five months into this pandemic thing and we are right back where we were in March and April.  I have good friends and neighbors who remain supporters of the president, and honestly as I have said before I understand the initial attraction to someone whose political persona evolves around being a disruptive populist.  But man, I gotta tell you now is the time for this guy to pull his head out of his ass.  The disruption has taken a frightening turn into callous turmoil, and unecessary suffering  and death.

I joke about Trump a lot with one of of my neighbors, and let’s face it the president is a garish gift box of satirical opportunity.  But it’s difficult to keep extracting humor from this ever deepening pit of infectious chaos.  We might casually argue about the president’s racism, corruption, mysogeny, character, but we can no longer ignore his incompetence in handling this virus.  We have become the world’s joke. There is no reason the country that leads the world in all things instantly gratifying, supposedly has the best health care and scientific R&D, and has economic power  unmatched by any nation on earth, should be leading the developed world in pandemic morbidity statistics.

Elsewhere in the world, where there was universal government leadership, society is getting back to normal. Not here. ssr节点2021每日更新

What went wrong?  During his 2016 campaign, Trump boldly stated he was the only guy who knew how to fix all things.   A handful of evangelical leaders proclaimed he was divinely placed amoungst our midst to shephard the nation.  The truth is it’s not what went wrong.  What’s wrong is what has always been.  His central governing flaw is a total lack of governing experience. What makes it worse is he has no interest in learning how to properly do the job, and instead of advisors with expertise he has surrounded himself with spineless sycophants.

Of course someone like Fox New’s Laura Ingraham doesn’t help either.  She callously suggested we should all just learn to live with covid 19, supporting I suppose Trump’s position that the virus will one day just go away.  That is not a totally invalid assumption.  The Bubonic Plague did just go away at one point but came back in the 14th century for four years and killed 200 million people.  This is the 21st centruty.  We have scientific knowlege at our disposal  to help prevent sickness and death.  We should utilize it.

Personally I think Trump is an asshole.  But being an asshole does not preclude competence.  There have been some assholes throughout history that have been effective leaders.  But the reality is Trump is an asshole AND incompetent, and unfortunaetly it has taken this health crisis to expose the depth of his ineptitude. He diddled away precious time when he could have taken positive mitigating steps, absolved himself of all resposibility for doing next to nothing throughout the crisis, and then all of a sudden it dawned on him that kids have to go back to school.

The president’s plan so far to accomplish this is being taken right out of his governing playbook- to deflect and blame others.  Astonishly but not at all surprisingly, he has even blamed President Obama for stopping goverment covid testing.Back to the Future

The most appaling of his deflections is the politicization of science.  Attacking Dr. Fauci’s credibility and that of our public health institutions has vaulted our national covid discusion into the relm of some sort of bizzaro world.  People are doing just the opposite of what needs to be done.   Without dedicated involvement of public health expertise, this crisis might very well continue it’s jaggedly accelerated course for months.  This is a new, heretofore unknown, extremely contageous virus.  Science has discovered a lot concerning it, but is far from knowing all there is to know about it.  It’s a transformative learning curve. We are absolutly screwed if the Trump administration keeps interjecting politics into an evolving  health crisis. Opposition Research The  last sentence of this article is telling: “He (Fauci) looks at it from a very narrow public health point of view.” Ironically embarrassing for the the person responsible for the quote,  that is a precise description of his job.

Everyone wants the economy and our lives to get back to normal.  We were once tracking in the right direction, but Trump himself undermind all early gains by counterintuitively encouraging governors and citizens to ignore his own administration guideleines.  His carelessness  fueled public impatience which resulted in openings of uncircumspect  businesses like bars and restaurants and now the nation is faced with gut-wrenching decisions about school attendance.  Paul Krugman wasn’t far off when he wrote the country might have drank away our children’s future.  We are so far behind in taking control of this pandemic there is no way schools can open safely on time unless we have a total national shut down.  Of course Trump is not about to let that happen.

We are waist deep in the shitter here.  Extracting ourselves in time for schools to open seems like a long shot.  But maybe, just maybe, if the president quickly utilizes the knowlege science has provided we could at least attempt a late start, like October.  Geezuz do something.  Almost anything would help.  This craziness about slowing  the virus down by slowing down testing is, well, craziness.  The only thing logical about it is it absolutely emphacizes the fact that the president is only worried about how this virus affects him.

No parent is going to feel safe sending their child to school unless covid is generally under control and testing is generated on the scale of that avaiable at the  White House and the NBA. Testing in the U.S. remains disjointed. It should have been federaly coordinated from day one. And in many places where needed personal protective equipment is still not readily available.  After five months of this, those are unforgivable failures.  Why the president decided to politicize the simple act of wearing a mask is beyond compresension.  Why would anyone, especially Trump, not want to do everything possible to protect public health and in so doing, the nations economy.  We could probably cut infection numbers in half with enforced use.  Trump could do that.  He finally wore one so you have to believe he is aware it helps.  Just say the word.  True, we are an undicipled people,  But Mr. Trump.  Your believers will follow you.  That’s all you would have to do to show some leadership.

Parents are not going to want their children attending school until their local or regional health department confirms that covid 19 is under control.  Some basic requirements for that are a comprehensive viral positivity rate  under 10% and accurate, readily available testing with reasonably rapid results.  We have to be well prepared to contact trace and be well suplied with PPE in schools as well as in the health care domaine.  We need to stringently follow basic public health guidelines like social distancing and wearing masks.  We need a federally coordinated effort from the president to get these things done.

Surprise us all.  Replace “MAGA” with “Mask Up For America.” “MUFA.” It just might be the catch phrase that kick starts the economy and puts kids back into school.










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President Trump recently procured a stockpile of bean products that he says will be a gamechanger in the ongoing fight against the out of control corona virus that is ravaging the nation.  The president stated it was Peter Navarro who first introduced him to the miraculous anti-viral benefits of the special beans.  “Peter’s a smart guy.  You know Peter. He keeps up with all the science stuff for me and does a great job,” the president affirmed.  The president would not reveal how many containers of bean products he has, but it has emerged he has ordered the removal of the thousands of doses of hydroxychloroquine he previously stockpiled in an undisclosed warehouse in order to make room for his beans.

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Trump pointed out he will have nothing to do with the product’s profits.  In order to avoid conflict of interest and emollient clause violations, all sales and marketing will be conducted through the Trump Organization.  “It’s a terrific product, perfectly safe'” Trump insisted.  “I just started my second week of therapy.  Everyone should try it.  What have you got to loose?” the president queried.

Interestingly, several WH staff members said they had the uncomfortable answer to that question.  Since the president insisted everyone who holds a paid position in the White House take a full course of Trump Magic Beans, staffers are finding it impossible to locate available  restroom accomodations.  “The suggested doseage is a can a day for at least two weeks and up to however long the president prescribes. The restroom lines are 3 to 4 deep all day long around here,” said one distressed staffer as he quick-stepped down the hallway.

Ivanka Trump practicing for a marketing photo shoot for Trump Magic Beans

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Fox’s Poli Sci Experts Encourage Country to Disregard Science

This David Brooks’ editorial pretty much encapsulates how the majority of us feel, I believe. The National Humiliation We Need  Like David Brooks, I believe there is some positive, universal abstract that dwells in our society that can heal much of what ails us.  Love that David Brooks.

Laura Ingraham, not so much..   Fox Medical Expert’s Suggestions for Covid Recovery

伔利酸酸乳(芦荟)(图)_39健康网_饮食:2021-1-11 · 分享到微信朋友圈 “扫一扫”分享 保存在桌面 放入收藏夹 相关资讯 液态奶 伔利酸酸乳 芦荟 蒙牛酸酸乳芦荟味塑料瓶(图)2021-01-29 相关专题 节后刮油解腻 芦荟银耳汤清爽又润燥 芦荟是一种常见的植物,它不但能够外用美容养颜,更能够内服 ...

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With a straight face Laura Ingraham proffered the idea that Dr. Fauci’s credibility should be discarded since no democratic voting process took place in his support.  She actually said that.   Dr. Fauci is not running for office.  We don’t insert science on an electoral ballot. We are not going to be able to “vote” our way out of this pandemic.  Science It is not political. It is fact, as best as can be understood, at that paricular time.

This paticular time requires we pay attention to science.   Please wear a mask in public.  Evolving scientific studies show not only will wearing one protect others but it will protect you as well.  No one is trying to infringe on your freedom.  We all want the freedoms we have had before this disease was thrust upon us.  The surest way out of this health and economic crisis is for everyone to wear a mask.  David Brooks’ shrouded hope is that there is within us a common national pride  that can bring us together. We need that.   We have serious problems to deal with in our country.  The most significant right now is the mitigation of the corona virus.  Unless we get that problem under control, and very quickly, there will be more and more of an unacceptable number of us who are not going to be around to help solve those remaining.





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酸酸乳 | 路人博客:2021-12-23 · 酸酸乳 技术园 记录酸酸乳(SSR)服务器搭建历程,我只是想查个资料! 之前一直是从网上搜索来用的,但是最近风头有点紧越来越不好找了。话说我一大天朝爱国公民只是想学习的时候翻个墙查找资料方便(无力吐槽国内浏览器广告泛滥众及 ...

Like Trump or not, I think anyone who watched video of his return from that Tulsa rally found it to be incongruently stunning.  The man so obsessed and aware of appearances looked like someone who just lost his last dollar at a casino.  Antithetical to that perception of disaster to Trump was the glimmer of hope in others that at least some Trump supporters had sense enough to stay away from such an obvious envornment for covid-19 contamination.  But you could tell the half empty arena threw Trump off his game, admitting at one point during his speech that his delivery might be interpreted as only “average.”

Full disclosure I never watched much of the live stream of the speech.  Watching the condensed version of video clips has always seemed like a more efficient use of time to me.  There was the usual casual disregard of the truth that keeps a variety of fact checkers gainfully employed.  But there is one statement he made that his aides were desperatly trying to defend as an untruth, or just a silly joke.  Of course I am talking about that comment concerning his presidential  instruction to suppress viral testing.  In no way should that be considered funny and frankly should be frightning to everyone.

In the days that followed the Tulsa rally Trump has made it clear that he was not kidding.  The comment was all too truthful, and there is attached the dog whistling effect of Trump suggesting the people inside that arena should discard the thought of any testing when they return home, which is about the only way the slightest chance for contact tracing can occur.  Of course none of this should be a total surprise.  From the very beginning of the appearance of covid-19 in the U.S., Trump’s has consistently displayed a total lack of empathy for people affected by it.  Instead, what we see a man consumed by some sort of numbers game.  We all saw that when he bluntly stated he did not want American citizens disembarking from a cruise ship with stricken individuals on board because that would reflect poorly on his  “numbers.”   And now he has unabashedly admitted to that coldly calculated view.

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So we have a president who has a history of hamstringing and gutting our health agencies and procedures,  ignores all common sense guidlines,  and then can’t figure out why the economy is stagnant or in decline.  On top of that, he is insistent on doing something that is understood as dangerously inappropriate throughout the entire world- holding mass gatherings inside of  buildings without regard to any of the recommended saftey precautions.   And now we are finding out the administration has full discretion of billions of dollars of of covid 19 testing and  tracing funds that have not been distributed.  For some reason, stuck in Trumps head is this ignorant belief that fewer tests reflect fewer cases and therefore that will be proof covid-19 is under control.  It is the logic of an incoherent mind.

We should be situated like every other country that has delt with this pandemic- well placed on the downward curve of transmission.  Even with some states opening up early, if the importance of masking and social distancing had been enforced, we might be making progress.  Instead, we are seeing covid-19 spikes all over the country, because of the vanity, ignorance and poor example of the leader of our country. Holding rallys and therefore Jeapordizing the health of American citizens in so many insideous ways just to satisfy one’s uncontrollable ego is abhorrent.  Then to watch this president use these public platforms to further incite division in an already fragile social order by using racially inflammatory language like “Kung flu” is crushing.  Asian Americans are already being denigrated.  What kind of president says that sort of thing for its entertainment value.

Make no mistake, by neglect, mismanagement, and conscious interference,  Trump is responsible for the deaths of a lot of people and the continuation of our economic distress. We are a contaminated country, leading the planet in viral transmision to the point other countries are now restricting U.S. travel to their borders.  There is a rotten apple in our midst, and it rests at the top of the barrell.





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Trump Requests Minefield Instalation to Improve White House Security

In an effort to increase White House security, President Trump has ordered the U.S. Army Ordinance Corp to start planting landmines around the perimieter of the building, it has emerged.  “After those two new wall structures were put in place and topped with razor wire, the president just felt there was still something missing and hit on the idea of burying some landmines,” said press secretary Kayleigh McEneny.  She was asked if the president was at all worried about  projecting an image of panic-stricken weakness to the entire world with all the extra security measures.  “Quite the contrary,” Ms. McEneny retorted. “Our country is so fortunate to have a brave leader who understands that  the controlling power of domination is the best way to show the world how to unify a country.  And what more impressive displays of domination are there than razor wire and explosives,” she added dismissively.

Paradoxicly one person who might benefit from the mining defensive feature is Defence Secretay Mark Esper.  Considered to be the next cabinet member in line for removal after he contradicted the president over using active military to suppress citizen protests, the concealed explosive devices have produced an unforeseen task that actually might preserve Esper’s job. The president will be needing someone to lead the way through the White House grounds  to the  helipad, and he feels that duty would  most appropriately be performed by the secretary of defense.  It appears Mr. Esper can breath easy for now, and the press secretary gave assurance there is absolutely no reason that will not continue as long as he steps very, very carefully.



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The Real Bible Story

写给小白的酸酸乳使用方法(酸酸的用法也差不多) – 沧水 ...:2021-3-22 · 蒙牛酸酸乳是什么意思?蒙牛酸酸乳是什么梗?蒙牛酸酸乳是谁?这个梗又是从何而来?为什么一瞬间就有好多人使用这个梗?为什么大家都在蒙牛酸酸乳?相信不少同学都很想了解这个梗,下面就让小编来为大家介绍一下蒙牛酸酸乳梗的详细内容。

Ms. McEneny said there were still details to work out, but the Bible the president was holding is simply part of the campaign package.  This year, with the purchase of a MAGA hat and tee at www.makeamericagreatagain, the president is throwing in a Bible.  Everyone in attendance inside the bunker praised the president for his perceptive genius and assured him that true Americans were bound to be overwhelmed by such a patriotic AND spiritual gesture.

When Ms. McEneny was asked to give her opinion of just how effective the Bible affair had been, she reported that everyone she knew considered it to be a resounding success.  “I saw  people who litterally had tears in their eyes, and I heard several people say the whole event took their breath away and many were all choked up,” she said pointedly.




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In Case You Missed It

Hey there!  Just in case you missed it, there have been some recent going’s on you might find enlightening, concerning, agitating, disturbing, or just pick your go-to adjective you find most useful whenever you hear about any manner of dumbfounding activity by the President of the United States.

Another law suit is moving forward. Defendants in this one involve everyone in the Trump clan.  FAMILY FUN

Two more inspectors general bite the dust- Number Four and Number Five

Trump Organization is petitioning Ireland and Scotland for bail out money 酸酸乳节点网站

Hydroxychloroquin.  Is he or isn’t he?  Hmm.  On the one hand, he is a paranoic germaphobe.  Is the condition so bad a licensed medical practitioner would actually go ahead and prescribe it to pacify him?  On the other hand, extrapolating his fear of getting sick to include dying from heart failure, would he really take that chance?  I think he would rather have others take the risk and then lay back and see how it all turns out.  Unless increased libido or penis size is a listed side effect, I doubt if he is really taking it.

酸酸乳不是和酸奶一样吗?- 中国日报网 - China Daily:2021-3-24 · 刚才说到的酸酸乳属于乳酸菌饮料。酸奶是用质量佳的纯牛奶制作的,所众蛋白含量不会低于2.8%,这里我伔可众算出酸奶蛋白含量至少是酸酸乳的4倍。

Now we have the battle over wearing face masks on the front lines in our culture war.  WTF! Man Defends Right to Infect Others

Hey, fella.  I know not being able to display your average looking face is something that might be considered an infringement of your freedom, (for the record the women in my family judge your look to be a bit below average and believe a mask might improve things) and you apparently feel you are not among those the president considers expendable, but you are not thinking this through.  You strike me as a guy who really likes football.  Though I am guessing I am twice your age and you would consider me expendable, I like football too.  I mean, I really really like it.  And if we have a surge of this virus here and there before September, schools won’t be open.  And if schools won’t be open, guess what- NO FOOTBALL!  What is your hang up with face masks?  Trust me, no one will think you’re less of a man.  Lots of tough guys wear face masks- astronauts, Bat Man, and…FOOTBALL PLAYERS! One important thing we all can do to improve the long odds that schools will be able to open and you and I can then sit in front of our televisions and watch 10 straight hours of football is- WEAR A F*****G Mask your stupid SOB!

Trump’s impeachment trial centered around the idea of quid pro quo.  During the trial, Fiona Hill hypothetically argued that if the president withheld aid to a U.S. state for a political favor, the outrage would be monumental.  Trump, last week, threatened to withhold federal funding from Nevada and Michigan unless their governors reversed their decisions to implement voting by mail.  And Michigan is dealing with a catastophic flood. He threatened to move the GOP convention out of Charlotte if the North Carolina governor doesn’t allow full capacity in the  arena.  Where’s the outrage?  Sadly I think the answer might be we have become a nation of complacent bitches, numbed by kleptocracy and an overwhelming sense of powerlessness.

As this country’s covid-19 death toll approaches 100K,  it is becomeing alarmingly evident that lack of  presidential leadership is dangerous. So Long Expendables!   In normal circumsatnaces, life works out pretty well for you when you can afford to disregard knowlege, claim ignorance, and shirk responsibility.  But payback for that method of governance is hell in the face of a calamitous event.  Like, for instance, the pandemic we are facing right now. Guess who’s paying for it?




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AG Barr Weighs in on Liberty Restrictions and Presidential Criticism

Impressed with the results Attorney General Barr achieved in dismissing charges against former national security advisor Michael Flynn, President Trump instructed him to see what he could do to assure the country that his plan of looking like he is doing something is just the ticket to move the country forward.  Grateful to be of service in any way, the AG eagerly sat down with Fox News and explained some nuances of the president’s pandemic policy of torpid minimalism. .

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酸酸乳 | 路人博客:2021-12-23 · 酸酸乳 技术园 记录酸酸乳(SSR)服务器搭建历程,我只是想查个资料! 之前一直是从网上搜索来用的,但是最近风头有点紧越来越不好找了。话说我一大天朝爱国公民只是想学习的时候翻个墙查找资料方便(无力吐槽国内浏览器广告泛滥众及 ...

It was pointed out to the AG that when the president actually tried to do something it seemed to confuse the American public- like establishing defined guidlines and then immediatley encouraging people to ignore them.  Mr. Barr suggested that if you do the math, that is all in keeping with the presidents policy.  “You establish something positive, and then you take it away with something negative, that equals zero.  Same thing.  I will say I have mentioned to the president it would probably be best if he kept it simple and stay away from injecting details.  In this crisis, it’s important that we all help  this president stay focused on looking like he is doing something.”

In a related matter, since the AG had previously stated he would be keeping a watchful eye on any shifty restriction of constitutional freedoms,  he was asked how he felt about people flagrantly disregarding face masking and intimidating public servants with assault rifles and waving confederate flags.  “Not everyone who doesn’t wear a face mask is an inconsiderate asshole, and not everyone threatening you with a firearm or waving a confederate flag is a hyper-insecure racist douchbag.  Basic liberties are involved.  It’s my opinion that people should be free to die and introduce anyone around them to illness and death. After all, death is the ultimae freedom”.

In a closing statement, Mr. Barr said remindfully, “You can all sleep well tonight knowing your president is out there doing everythng he can to look like he is doing something.”




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Why a Reality TV Host Shouldn’t be Running the Country

This is why. Move Over Hydroxychloroquine

酸酸乳 | 路人博客:2021-12-23 · 酸酸乳 技术园 记录酸酸乳(SSR)服务器搭建历程,我只是想查个资料! 之前一直是从网上搜索来用的,但是最近风头有点紧越来越不好找了。话说我一大天朝爱国公民只是想学习的时候翻个墙查找资料方便(无力吐槽国内浏览器广告泛滥众及 ...

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The preceding I wrote last night.  What follows科学上网浏览器_手机免翻墙上谷歌地址,免酸酸乳-无忧无.吧:2021-10-1 · 既然分享了软件那么顺便给一个更方便的吧! 这个镜像网站打开就是谷歌,无需翻墙,不用酸酸乳,不仅方便速度还比较OK,你用来干啥我不管,咱也管不了,只管分享。手机端的朋友可众直接打开众下网址即可去你恋恋不忘已久的地方!chronology.  The reason why is, who would have thought the president of the United States would say something so ridiculous. My bad.  Below is stuff you already know.  What I saw last night supprised me so much I wanted to lead off with it before I forgot about it.  That’s the world I live in.  I am afflicted with a compulsion to 分享酸酸乳节点,速度可众,流量用不完了 - 『福利经验 ...:2021-11-8 · 流量用不完了违规请删除**** 本内容被作者隐藏 **** 分享酸酸乳节点,速度可众,流量用不完了 ,大牛论坛_破解软件_原创软件_游戏娱乐 - www.4330.cn

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Then there’s all those stay-in-place protests going on at various municipalities.  People losing it because they’re losing their jobs, they are discovering haunting things abouth their spouse, they have permanent images burnt into their retinas from Netflix binge-watching. That all sucks, sure.  But geezuz man, cover those holes in your face.  And when you do, choose something that’s half way effective rather than that thing you retrieved from your rebellious teen ager’s stash of Halloween costumes.  And I know turn out was disappointing at a few locations, but keep in mind though you couldn’t actually see them, members of the coronavirus family were in attandance and cheering you on in significant numbers, like in the order of 10 to 20th power. I gotta ask though, is it really necessary to lug around an assualt rifle?  I appeciate the fact that you feel insecure at this moment, but you can spray fire all you want, you’re not going to bring down the coronavirus.  You know what works?  STAYING HOME!

Stay home, as much as possible.  Let’s not congregate in unecessary  gatherings.  The president said so.  It’s right there in his own guide-lines.  Oh shit.  I forgot.  I guess the president said there are three states out there where it’s ok to go flouncing about.  If you have a Democrat for a governor, go right ahead.  See.  It pays to have a Democrat in the state house.  Now who are you going to vote for?

God damn it.  Is this really real?  A president of the United States inciting civil disobedience? And to disobey his very own directive? Does that make sense?  Does that seem responsible, presidential, normal?  Is this guy off his rocker?

Try as he might, President Trump is having a hard time plastering the blame for his failings on others.  The scapegoats so far are the media, Democratic governors, Joe Biden, China, government watchdogs, the World Health Organization, and of course, Barack Obama.  As we know by now Trump sheds responsibility like a collie sheds hair.  For me it is the worst of his character flaws, but then as a supreme narcissist he has many.  His denials and deflections are infuriating, but his personal failings  in dealing with this pandemic are well documented Our Modern Day Nero

He should have seen this coming.  Typical of his vacilation and confusing statements, on the one hand he said “Who could have known this would be this bad,” and on the other is his claim that he knew all along a pandemic was headed our way. Which is it?  He says he is all powerful, declaring himself to be a wartime president, then informs state governors it’s on them to fix things.  One day he is supportive of the governor of Georgia’s decision to open up state businesses, but the next day reversing himself completely (a decision undoubtedly influenced by poll numbers that reveal 80% of the country supports sheltering in place).  What kind of schitzo are we dealing with here?  Where is my Excedrin Migraine?  Shit.  Target is out of it.  You can’t get it anywhere.

If he is, as he has always boasted, the only guy who can fix everything, he should have seen this coming. Putting  aside all the articles you can google about Trump’s ineptness, if he had paid any attention at all in any basic U.S. history course he should have been exposed to in his life, he should have seen this coming.  It is a NOVEL virus.  Maybe he thinks the word “novel” means he might have to read a book about it or something.  Ok.  Then go ask Jared.  He can explain it.  It was a series of viruses and bacteria that was novel to indiginous Americans that wiped out over 90 percent of their population.  What is keeping the covid 19 virus from taking a similar toll now is that we have an understanding, now, of viral transmision that Native Americans did not have.  This virus is new to the entire world. It will be awhile before we know how to frame its virulency.

Beating a dead horse, what we understand about this type of viral transmision is mitigating it with social separation is about all we have until a vaccine and treatment therapies are developed.   But we can gradually extend out social contact, when we have enough testing available.  But not until then.  It is around this issue that Trump is so infuriatingly out of touch, inconsistent, and dangerous by misinforming the American public.

We are in urgent need of diagnostic and antibody tests. Contrary to what the president keeps saying, every health expert I have heard says we need to be testing at a rate 5 times what we are doing now,  and we will  need to be testing more than that if we intend to lift social bariers.  By fall, we will need to test in the tens of millions.  Trump keeps saying health experts are overstating the need for testing. Sometimes he says the tests are out there.  To some extent that might be true.  But they are so scattered, have different diagnostic methods and require different equipment and adjunct components, and the stability and time it takes for results varies,  not to mention some are not very accurate. Lab capacity needs to increase. We need to be able to identify the effectiveness of newer procedures and promote those tests that are uniformly the best.  It is a capitalistic clusterfuck that requires  central, federal, supervision and coordination.  And this applies to PPE for medical staff as well.  When states end up competing with each other and the federal government, and driving up prices, it’s a clear indication market economics needs some intervention.

We need one guy in charge. A leader, and a leader who actually knows how to surround himself with the best people.  We really need that now, not the president’s son-in-law mucking things up with more confusion and very probably personal conflicts of interest. Re-wording the mission statement of HHS’s Strategic National Stockpile website just to suppress Jared’s feelings of incompetence is an exercise in incompetence itself.

Look at the countries that have had the most success in mitigating this pandemic- Germany, S. Korea, Vietnam, Singapore and Taiwan.  All have federal systems that assign the national government to a coordinating role.  They trust their government to relay the facts, and have a high degree of social trust.  They don’t rely on private companies to process the vast number of completed tests.  Instead, labs at public universities and hospitals have taken the lead. And they all ramped up test production and instituted agressive contact tracing.  S. Korea was so effective at mitigation they were able to isolate infected people without imposing sweaping lockdowns.  Germany developed the first Covid 19 diagnostic test, acing out even China, and now are conducting the first nationwide antibody testing.  Why aren’t we number one?  And it’s wartime.  There are all those German scientists out there just waiting to be snatched up. It’s just a hunch, but between you and me, that seems like something Trump might actually be quite good at.

To safely re-open the country, it will take strong governmental leadership with the courage to nationally mobilize.  We know now that is not in the works with Trump at the helm.  By taking the position he has- voicing supreme authority while actually passing real authority to state governors- he obviously wants to look like he’s taking charge without being held accountable.  Typical Trump.  As the days go by, he gets more evasive with questions from the media.  Twice now I have seen him answer a pointed question about how poorly he has handled the pandemic by saying “A lot of people love me.”  And that is how he imagines the moment, reflecting on days gone by when he was able to stir up a crowd with invective rhetoric.  But he is not performing in front of a political rally now.  His audience at present is a more diverse cross section of voters who are intersted in answers to questions rather than doling out fervent applause.  His view of the country through a prism of economic figures obscures his vision of public health.  It is all about ratings and poll numbers and crowd size. It’s about paying homage and showing gratitude to him for his limited accomplishments in this time of crisis, and he is singularly inept at dealing with it.  What is important to Trump is only that which promotes or protects him.  That’s his reality.  It should not be ours.

It’s not all bad.  Here are some fun facts about living in a pandemic world: A barrel of oil is now worth less than an off-brand roll of toilet paper; fewer mass gatherings means fewer mass shootings; and your kids are finally washing their hands.







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